danni goodman

my work

creative + branding + design + development



Newstex globally specializes in distributing authoritative content across fields such as business, law, and technology, syndicating news and commentary. They operate as a virtual company that serves clients across the United States and Europe.

Website Showcase

Scope + Goals

Newstex partnered with the Belt Creative team to enhance their online presence, migrate their website from WordPress site which had low conversion rates, and poor SEO. Our collective goal was to transition their hundreds of blogs to Webflow, create a user-friendly design and deliver a high-performing platform that would empower their content team and generate new leads.

Pages Left to Right: How it Works, Blog and Why Your Content Matters. Another developer at Belt Creative developed the initial website redesign. I’ve taken over development through their ongoing support plan and am currently focused on designing and building new pages.

My Role

My role was to design the new website that would attract content writers with collaboration from the Belt Creative and Newstex team. New brand colors were established and American Typewriter was incorporated to give their brand font (Proxima Nova) a classic supporting font to be used throughout the website. Website page designs along with the complex textures were created in Photoshop and the vector assets recolored and adjusted in Illustrator. Another Belt Creative team member handled the Wordpress migration, initial development, and SEO.

The Result

The redesigned website has proven to be user-friendly. The content team can now effortlessly manage their existing articles and seamlessly add new blogs, streamlining their publishing process. Additionally, the website has been optimized for SEO, improving its visibility on search engines.

Ongoing Support

Following the successful launch of the redesigned website, the Newstex team has engaged in an ongoing support plan with Belt Creative. I have taken the lead in designing and developing new pages ensuring continuous improvement and updates to enhance the site’s functionality and user experience.